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Bartol je učenik 8. razreda osnovne škole. U slobodno vrijeme trenira nogomet, igra stolni tenis i svira gitaru. Želio bi postati programer.


Bartolu se sviđa drvored na putu za Bričance, misli da je to lijepa ruta za šetnju koja se može produžiti ako se iz Bričanaca skrene na šumsku stazu i u širokom luku zaobiđe Savičentu.

Nedjeljom je boćanje i nogometna utakmica. Bartol prvo navrati do boćališta, provjeri kakav je rezultat pa nakon toga ode na nogometnu utakmicu.

U gledalištu sjede uglavnom igrači.

Na klupici sjede redovni gledatelji.


Savičenta nije baš neki grad, ali ima komponente grada, ima ljekarnu, ambulantu, poštu, školu, nogometni klub, kulturno-umjetnički centar, crkvu, kaštel, trg.

Tijekom ljeta kad se zbog malonogometnog turnira na Žlinju postave golovi, Bartol i njegovi prijatelji iskoriste priliku pa ondje igraju nogomet. Ponekad im se spontano pridruže turisti, a ponekad ih Bartol i sam pozove na igru. Najbolje je bilo za vrijeme svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva 2018. kad je Savičenta bila puna ljudi. U kafićima su se gledale utakmice, a mnoštvo djece je s Bartolovom ekipom zaigralo nogomet. Tako su upoznali neke nove ljude i imali prilike s njima razgovarati na engleskom.

Ljeti dolazi puno turista pa to i nije svima drago. Meni turisti ne smetaju.


Okopavanje brajdi je jedan od težih poslova jer od kopanja zabole leđa.

Postoji više različitih trava, neke se iskopavaju lakše, neke teže jer se zamotaju oko trsa i treba ih vući rukom. Ako ima više tih koje se teže izvlače, iživciraš se. Što su dulje pauze između okopavanja, naraste više trave. Što ima više trave, teže je okopavati.

Ne bi trebalo kopati više od dva reda u jednom danu. Ali najbolje je ako kopaš jedan red danas, drugi red sutra, treći prekosutra. Ako napraviš dva reda u jednom danu, onda ti sve to dosadi pa sutra ne želiš…. Ja imam filozofiju da za vrijeme kopanja uopće ne treba gledati ni naprijed niti nazad, nego samo dole. Jer tako ne vidiš koliko još imaš. Inače ti se čini da si puno napravio, a kad pogledaš, vidiš da si napravio jako malo.

Ako nas je više i svatko uzme dva reda, onda je ok. Brat uzme dva reda, ja uzmem dva reda, nono uzme dva reda. To je već šest redova. Ostanu nam još 4 reda. Onda nam tata pomogne dva reda. A za dva preostala reda ćemo se nekako još pomučit.

Moj nono ima 80 i nešto godina i jako puno radi. Neke pute sam iskopa 6 redi u jednom danu i onda ga bole leđa i sve ga boli. Ostalo onda napravimo mi.


Bartol često pomaže tati i djedu u polju, ali i u štali oko krava i telaca.

Ovce i koze su k’o kosilice, neće one pustiti ništa na tanjuru. Nisu izbirljive kao krave. Krave su više uobražene.

Rađe ne bih bio poljoprivrednik, to nije baš lako raditi. Ne možeš putovati, nije baš da si možeš uzeti odmor, krave ne uzimaju godišnji odmor.


U Bartolovom razredu ima 15 učenika, 9 dječaka i 6 djevojčica. To je za Savičentu velik razred. Prosjek je oko 13 učenika po razredu.

Slobodno vrijeme Bartol rado provodi na školskom igralištu. Poslije škole s prijateljima igra košarku ili nogomet.


Nogometne utakmice seniora su nedjeljom u 16 ili 17 h. Juniori igraju subotom u 11.30 h.

Tri puta tjedno trenira nogomet u nogometnom klubu Smoljanci Sloboda. To je dosta dobar klub ako se uzme u obzir da je Savičenta malo mjesto. Misli da je dobar nogometaš. U klubu treniraju djeca iz šire okolice.


S prijateljima često ide u đir bičikletom po okolnim mjestima. Krenu iz Savičente prema Pustima i prema Peresijima, skrenu u Krsane i u Bibiće pa u Krančiće. Ponekad naprave i 30 km.

Bartol is an eighth-grade pupil. In his free time, he plays football, table tennis, and the guitar. He wants to become a developer.


Bartol likes the line of trees on the way to Bričanci, he thinks it’s a nice walking route that can be expanded if you turn from Bričanci to a forest path, bypassing Savičenta.

Sundays are reserved for playing bocce and football games. Bartol first stops by the bocce court, checks the score, and then walks on to the football game.

Regular viewers are seated on the bench.

Players are usually seated in the stand.


Savičenta is not a proper town, but it has features of one: a pharmacy, health centre, post office, school, football club, cultural art centre, church, castle, square.

In the summertime, when goals are set on the Žlinja meadow for the futsal tournament, Bartol and his friends seize the opportunity to play soccer there. Sometimes tourists spontaneously join them, and sometimes Bartol himself invites them to play. The best time was during the 2018 World Cup, when Savičenta was teeming with people. Everyone was watching games in bars, and many children played football with Bartol’s team. That’s how they met some new people and had the chance to talk to them in English.

There are many tourists during the summer, and not everyone likes it. I don’t mind the tourists.


Hoeing is one of the most difficult tasks because digging makes your back hurt.

There are several different types of weeds, some are easier to hoe than others that tangle around the vine and have to be pulled by hand. If there are more weeds that are difficult to hoe, you get annoyed. The longer the periods between hoeing, the more the weeds. The more the weeds, the more difficult to hoe.

There are several different types of weeds, some are easier to hoe than others that tangle around the vine and have to be pulled by hand. If there are more weeds that are difficult to hoe, you get annoyed. The longer the periods between hoeing, the more the weeds. The more the weeds, the more difficult to hoe.

If there are several of us, and each takes on two rows, then it’s OK. My brother takes on two rows, I take on two, and our grandfather two. That’s six rows already. We have four rows left. Then our father helps us with another two rows. And we’ll work through the remaining two rows somehow.

My grandfather is 80-something and works a lot. Sometimes he hoes six rows in one day by himself and then his back hurts and everything hurts. We then do the rest.


Bartol often helps his father and grandfather with working in the field and stable, with cows and calves.

Sheep and goats are like lawn mowers, they won’t leave anything on their plate. They’re not fussy like cows. Cows are more conceited.

I’d rather not be a farmer, it’s not an easy job. You can’t travel, you can’t go on vacation, cows never go on vacation.


There are 15 pupils in Bartol’s class, 9 boys and 6 girls. This is considered a large class in Savičenta. On average, a class has 13 pupils.

Bartol loves spending his leisure time at the school playground. After school he plays basketball or football with his friends.


Senior matches are played on Sundays at 16:00 or 17:00. Junior matches are played on Saturdays at 11:30.

Three times a week he practices football in the football club Smoljanci Sloboda. It’s a pretty good club, considering that Savičenta is a small town. He thinks he is good at football. Children from the area also practice in the club.


He and his friends often enjoy bicycle rides to other, neighbouring towns. They start their ride in Savičenta, head towards Pusti and Peresiji, turn to Kersani and Bibići, and then Krančići. Sometimes they ride for 30 km.